What Does Andrew Huberman Say About Cold Water Therapy

Andrew Huberman On Cold Exposure

What Does Andrew Huberman Say About Cold Water Therapy?

The world loves Andrew Huberman’s breakdown of fun science facts. One in particular is ice therapy and its benefits.

Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford University. He has discussed the benefits of cold exposure and ice therapy on his Huberman Lab podcast[1]. 

At Polar, we’re huge on the benefits of using our products. We want to explain to Andrew the same mindset we have on the benefits of cold water. 


According to Huberman, cold exposure is thought to reduce inflammation. It also triggers neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new neural connections[2].

Huberman suggests starting with short cold exposures, like cold showers or ice packs. Then, progress to more extreme forms of cold exposure such as ice baths or cryotherapy. 

What does Andrew recommend?

He recommends limiting the time in the cold. This is to avoid harm, especially for people with health conditions[3].

When paired with proper breathing and mindfulness. Huberman also notes that being cold may have extra benefits. These include reducing anxiety and increasing focus[2].

Note: Some may benefit from cold exposure. But, it may not be for everyone and can have risks. So, talking to a healthcare professional before starting any new therapy or practice is best.

You can see his tweet here.

Benefits of cold water plunges from Andrew Huberman

Here is a listicle highlighting some of the benefits of cold exposure and ice therapy according to Andrew Huberman:

  1. Cold exposure is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. It can reduce inflammation.

  2. Cold exposure may boost neuroplasticity. This is the brain's ability to form new neural connections and adapt.

  3. Cold exposure can boost mental focus. This happens when it's paired with breathing techniques and mindfulness practices.

  4. Cold exposure reduces anxiety. It helps people feel calm.

  5. Ice therapy after intense workouts or physical activity may aid muscle recovery. It can also reduce muscle soreness.

  6. Cold exposure boosts the immune system. It does so by activating immune responses and promoting health.

  7. Cold exposure can increase energy levels. It stimulates the release of endorphins and adrenaline. This leads to a surge in energy and greater vitality.

  8. Cold exposure improves sleep for some. It may help regulate the body's clock and promote relaxation.

  9. Cold exposure triggers the body's stress response. This reduces stress and brings calm.

  10. Cold exposure may help athletes. It can improve recovery time, reduce muscle fatigue, and boost performance.

Final Thoughts From the Polar Team

In summary, Andrew Huberman suggests that cold exposure and ice therapy may reduce inflammation. They may also help the brain change and improve. 

However, start with short durations. Consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new therapies or practices.


  1. https://www.hubermanlab.com/episode/using-deliberate-cold-exposure-for-health-and-performance

  2. https://www.hubermanlab.com/newsletter/the-science-and-use-of-cold-exposure-for-health-and-performance

  3. https://honehealth.com/edge/health/andrew-huberman-cold-exposure-joe-rogan/

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